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art glass 彩色藝術玻璃;藝術玻璃花瓶[燈等]。

Is a professional art glass manufacturer and is dedicated to the development of art glass on the basis of the operation principle of “ top quality , sincere service “ , and has set up complete chain service platform and is developing the domestic and european and american market with digital design and intelligent pos computerized marketing strategy 是一家專業的藝術玻璃生產企業。我們秉承“至佳質量,至誠服務”的經營理念,專注于藝術玻璃的原創,建立了完善的連鎖加盟服務平臺,提供數碼設計宅配和智能化的pos電腦操作系統等現代營銷策略開拓國內及歐美市場。

In recent years , insisting on the principle of “ technology creates art “ , the company has introduced dozens of glass art product lines with eurpean and american advanced art and culture , and is devoted to making fashionable products for world art glass industry and making world class artistic glass brand 近年來,公司堅持“技術創造藝術”的理念,投巨資引進數十條玻璃工藝生產線,融會歐美先進藝術文化,致力于為世界藝術玻璃事業締造時尚潮流,立志創造世界級的藝術玻璃品牌。

In 2004 , jieren glass are elected the first standing committee member by “ china art glass professional committee “ ; and we are also awarded the “ strictly abide by contract and punctuality “ by raoping county people ' s government 二00五年,介仁玻璃被行業協會評為: “中國藝術玻璃十大品牌“和“中國藝術玻璃十強企業“ 。

art rock

Is a professional art glass manufacturer and is dedicated to the development of art glass on the basis of the operation principle of “ top quality , sincere service “ , and has set up complete chain service platform and is developing the domestic and european and american market with digital design and intelligent pos computerized marketing strategy 是一家專業的藝術玻璃生產企業。我們秉承“至佳質量,至誠服務”的經營理念,專注于藝術玻璃的原創,建立了完善的連鎖加盟服務平臺,提供數碼設計宅配和智能化的pos電腦操作系統等現代營銷策略開拓國內及歐美市場。

In recent years , insisting on the principle of “ technology creates art “ , the company has introduced dozens of glass art product lines with eurpean and american advanced art and culture , and is devoted to making fashionable products for world art glass industry and making world class artistic glass brand 近年來,公司堅持“技術創造藝術”的理念,投巨資引進數十條玻璃工藝生產線,融會歐美先進藝術文化,致力于為世界藝術玻璃事業締造時尚潮流,立志創造世界級的藝術玻璃品牌。

In 2004 , jieren glass are elected the first standing committee member by “ china art glass professional committee “ ; and we are also awarded the “ strictly abide by contract and punctuality “ by raoping county people ' s government 二00五年,介仁玻璃被行業協會評為: “中國藝術玻璃十大品牌“和“中國藝術玻璃十強企業“ 。

Other items of more recent interest include old photograph records , old magazines , post cards , baseball cards , art glass , dolls , classic cars , old bottles , and comic books 另一些現在比較有趣的收藏品有古老的像片紀錄、老雜志、明信片、棒球彩票、藝術玻璃制品、玩偶、古典汽車、古老的以及漫畫書。

Other items of more recent interest include old photograph records , old magazines , post cards , baseball cards , art glass , dolls , classic cars , old bottles , and comic books 另一個近期特別引人注目的收藏品包括老照片、老雜志、名信片、足球卡、藝術玻璃品、玩具、老爺車、舊瓶子和卡通書等。

Other items of more recent interest include old photograph records , old magazines , post cards , baseball cards , art glass , dolls , classic cars , old bottles , and comic books 最近收藏興趣的另外一些物品包括舊相片、舊雜志、明信片、棒球卡、藝術玻璃、玩偶、老爺車、舊瓶子和漫畫書。

Other items of more recent interest include old photograph records , old magazines , post cards , baseball cards , art glass , dolls , classic cars , old bottles , and comic books 其它更近期的物品有舊唱片、舊雜志、明信片、壘球卡片、彩色玻璃、布娃娃、早期汽車、古瓶和連環畫冊。

Broker and appraisal services for paintings , early american furniture , art glass lamps , pre - columbian artifacts , and other quality art and antiques worldwide -北京主要藝術市場之一,網站收藏新聞藝術品投資書畫名家古玩指南商家信息藝術鑒賞油畫等內容。

Lacquered art glass is endowed with graphics art and advanced science and technology , and distinct utility function with distinctness and appreciation value 藝術玻璃承載著精湛的繪畫藝術和先進的科學技術,具有鮮明的實用功能和欣賞價值。